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Stran: [1]   Dolů
Autor Téma: Skladnik - Appenweier  (Přečteno 14176 krát)

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 3

« : Červen 25, 2019, 12:18:33 pm »

Hledame skladnika do skladu v Appenweieru.

Job Description
Perform an array of functions that may include receiving and processing incoming stock and materials, picking and filling orders from stock, packing and shipping orders, or managing, organizing and retrieving stock in the warehouse. Also pulling materials,  packing boxes, placing orders in delivery area and keeping warehouse organized and cleaned.
Assist shipping and receiving unloading trucks and checking in merchandise
Prepares orders by processing requests and supply orders, pulling materials, packing boxes; placing orders in delivery area
Sort and place materials or items on racks, shelves or in bins according to organizational standards
Open bales, crates and other containers
Maintains inventory controls by collecting stock location orders, printing request, recording amounts of materials or items received or distributed through a computer. May also assist in counting of physical inventory
Receiving unloading trucks and checking in merchandise
Prepare parcels for mailing and ensure shipping accuracy
Maintains safe and clean work environment by keeping shelves, pallet area, and work stations neat; Sweep, dust and mop. Organize warehouse and work area for orderliness at all times
Wear the proper safety equipment

czech/slovak language
basic english/german language

What we offer
Attractive salary
Employee discount on Turbado products

Appenweier, Germany

Please send your CV and cover letter to recruitment[zavináč] We are looking forward to receiving your application!
Barbara Stampfler
Head of HR
E-mail: hr[zavináč]
Phone: +36306396595

By providing us your personal data in your CV, you have allowed Turbado to process and file your CV in the HR database. Your personal data will be used for the internal HR needs of Turbado only.
At the same time you confirm herewith that the personal data as stated in the CV you have sent to us is true and accurate.
Stran: [1]   Nahoru
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